Collection of copy letters, business and personal, of Richard Beamish
Scottish letters patent granted to Thomas Farmer for obtaining sulphur, sulphurous acid and other products from pyrites
Letters patent granted to Thomas Farmer for 'Improvements in treating Pyrites to obtain Sulphur, Sulphurous Acid and other products'
Letter from Robert Stephenson to Curteis and Kingsford, Solicitors
Letter from George Stephenson to Philip Maddison Regarding Engine Designs
Notebook of John Urpeth Rastrick
Drawings of industrial sites and machine tools including one thought to be based on the Liverpool Road Railway station drawn c1830.
Copy letter from Isambard Kingdom Brunel to the Directors of the Great Western Railway
Sketch books of drawings of fragments recovered from the shipwrecks of the Royal George and the Edgar
Volume entitled: "History of the Framework Knitting and Lace Trades"
Marshall's Geological Diagrams
Notebooks of Mark Scott on South Hetton Colliery
School exercise book of Hugh Hansford, Free School, Gillingham, Dorset
Day-book of John Walker, chemist and inventor of the Friction-Match
Catalogue of new double stars by F.G. W. Struve, annotated copy blonging to J.F.W. Herschel
Volume of plans of mines and mining districts in Mexico
Letters patent granted to Stephen Geary for 'Improvements in the preparation of fuel'
Diary of Robert Stephenson
Papers of George and Robert Stephenson Regarding the Moreton Rail-Road
Letter from Henry Booth, company secretary and treasurer of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway, to James Loch, Bloomsbury Square, London with a report on the survey of Chat Moss by Thomas Shaw Brandreth
Letter describing the opening of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway and the death of Sir William Huskisson MP after being run down by the "Rocket"
Manuscript entitled: "Catalogue of the Apparatus of Philosophical Instruments, in the Collection of Her Late Majesty Queen Charlotte, at the Observatory at Richmond in Surrey"
Letter from John Backhouse to his sister describing the opening train on the Stockton & Darlington Railway
Temporary staging
A letter from Brunel to Lord Duke regarding test borings next to the River Thames
Notation of units, multiplication
Pamphlet entitled ‘A Further Report on the Intended Rail or Tram Road, from Stockton, by Darlington, to the collieries, with a branch to Yarum [sic]’
Notice entitled ‘Canal. The projected canal from the Tees to the coal district near Auckland, having now become a popular question, permit me to make some observations on this subject’
Pamphlet entitled ‘A Further Report, on the Intended Rail or Tram Road, from Stockton, by Darlington, to the collieries, with a branch to Yarum [sic]’
Small printed card showing ‘Distances of the Collieries, by the Railway, from Stockton [and] from Darlington’
Notice entitled ‘Stockton and Auckland Canal. The committee of the subscribers to this undertaking… received from Mr. Leather, the engineer, a variety of information relative to a survey, which he has just finished, which most satisfactorily obviates every important objection that has been urged against the plan…’
Notice entitled ‘Canal Meeting. Stockton, July 9th, 1818. In consequence of a printed address from Mr. C. Tennant, relative to the proposed Canal between the Western parts of the county and this port, a numerous and most respectable meeting of gentlemen, belonging to this place and its neighbourhood, was held at the Town-Hall to-day.’
Notice entitled ‘Stockton and Auckland intended Canal.’
Printed extract from the Durham County Advertiser
Printed article extracted from the Durham County Advertiser
Printed article extracted from the Durham Chronicle
Printed memo completed in manuscript and addressed to Leonard Raisbeck
Draft resignation letter
Notice entitled ‘Stockland & Auckland Canal. The subscribers to this undertaking are particularly requested to attend a meeting… for the purpose of receiving the accounts…’
Notice entitled ‘Canal. Aug. 8, 1818. The very respectable meeting convened at Stockton on the 31st of last month, to consider of the expediency of cutting a canal into the Coal District, appears to have been so unanimous respecting it… but, differing, as I do, in opinion with all who decide for a canal, I venture to submit to them, and to the Public generally, whether it would not be best to reject a canal altogether, and substitute a Rail Road on the most approved construction…’
Printed Clarence Railway report
Handwritten Clarence Railway report
Handwritten copy of Stockton & Darlington Railway Company annual report
Printed Stockton & Darlington Railway Company annual report
Handwritten accounts regarding the income and expenditure of the Stockton & Darlington Railway
Letter from Francis Mewburn, 22 Craven Street to Leonard Raisbeck, Stockton
Letter from Francis Mewburn, 22 Craven Street to Leonard Raisbeck, Stockton
Letter from Francis Mewburn, 22 Craven Street to Leonard Raisbeck, Stockton